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EURAXESS Germany Conferences

EURAXESS Germany Conferences

Twice a year, EURAXESS Germany provides conferences for researcher advisors working at institutions of higher education in Germany and providing advice and support to internationally mobile researchers. EURAXESS Germany conferences are offered both as centralised and decentralised events.

Centralised conferences usually take place in Bonn and are organised by EURAXESS Germany, whereas decentralised conferences are organised by members of the EURAXESS Germany network and are held at their university or research institute.
In addition to up-to-date information on relevant topics for researcher advisors, the conferences also provide a forum for exchange and networking.

Any colleagues interested in participating are welcome to join the conferences planned and organised by EURAXESS Germany for researcher advisors and Welcome Centres from institutions in Germany.

If you support internatinally mobile researchers and are interested in participating in our future conferences, please contact us via e-mail: info(at) or euraxess-bho(at)

  • The next decentralised EURAXESS Germany Conference for those who support internationally mobile researchers will take place at the RWTH Aachen on 20 and 21 May 2025.

    You can find the preliminary agenda here

    If you support internationally mobile researchers and would like to register for the event, please send an e-mail to euraxess-bho(at) and we will be happy to add you to our mailing list.