Dual Career in Germany
When deciding to relocate, not just individual career paths are decisive, but also the possibilities for spouses and partners play an imporant role in relocation considerations. Appointments of foreign researchers, in particular, often fail due to a lack of accessible and suitable job opportunities for their partners. Individual solutions need to be found to support such couples, especially when both partners are pursuing professional careers.
Dual Career Network Germany (DCND)
List of Dual Career Offices at higher education institutions in Germany that are members of the Dual Career Network Germany.
Dual Career Hamburg + Der Norden (in German)
The network "Dual Career Hamburg + the North" consists of 28 scientific institutions from the metropolitan region of Hamburg, Bremen and Kiel and seven cooperation partners from Hamburg. The central goal of the network "Dual Career Hamburg + the North" is to support science, cultural institutions and the economy in attracting top-class employees for the Hamburg metropolitan region and the north.
Dual Career Network Rhineland
The Dual Career Network Rhineland consists of universities and research institutions from the Rhineland area that have combined to make targeted use of the region´s high potential, the abundance of research facilities and collaborating business enterprises in the interests of dual career couples.
Das Jobportal für Wissenschaft, Forschung, Management (in German)
A job platform for careers in science run by DUZ (Deutsche Universitätszeitung, an Independent German university newspaper).
Dual Career in Germany
An increasing number of German universities and research institutions now have advisory offices specialising in dual careers. They help the partners of foreign researchers assimilate in the German job market and provide initial support. Please note that dual career offers may not be accessible to researchers at all stages at all universities and research institutions.

Further information on programmes offered to support women in research can be found here. These offer assistance in funding, networking, training and more.