If you want to be joined by your family during your stay in Germany, you can find an introduction into what support and obligations exist in Germany.
Kindergarten, "Kitas" & Nurseries
In Germany, children under three are cared for at nurseries, which often also offer daycare including a midday meal. For children from three to six there are kindergartens. Kindergardens are also voluntary and differ between part-time (generally in the mornings) and full-day care. If you are looking for full-day care for your child, you need to look for a “Tagesstättenplatz” (daycare place) which would either be at a "Kindertagesstätte" (daycare centre - Kita) or a "Ganztagskindergarten" (full-day kindergarten). Should you get a space in full-day care, a midday meal will usually be provided.
A large number of day care facilities offer a comprehensive basis to look after young children. Two thirds of all day care facilities in Germany are maintained by private organisations (e.g. AWO) or organitions of the catholic (Caritas) or protestant (Diakonie) churches. The majority of public-sector facilities are maintained by municipalities. As many universities and research institutions offer childcare facilities to their employees, it is advisable to first get in contact with your employer to find out whether they provide daycare services.
When looking for a daycare placement for your child, the situations between smaller towns and cities differ greatly. In smaller towns, there is usually not as large a selection of care providers. Day care facilities in cities are often at the limit of their capacity, and finding an open spot can prove a challenge. It is important to note that often the city where you are resident determines where you are able to get care for your child. Starting your search for childcare early and being aware of the different educational philosophies is an important step towards getting your child the right kind of care.
Four Years of Elementary School, 6-9 Years of Secondary School
All children living in Germany are required to attend school between the ages of 6 and 15. The first stage of school is called “Grundschule” (Years 1-4). After this, there is a choice between three different types of school: “Hauptschule”, which continues until Year 9 or 10 and leads to a general school leaving certificate called the “Hauptschulabschluss”; “Realschule”, which continues until Year 10 and culminates in an intermediate school leaving certificate known as the “Realschulabschluss” and “Gymnasium”, which continues until Year 12 or 13 and leads to the senior school leaving certificate or “Abitur". The "Abitur" is the entrance qualification for higher education. Apart from these, there is another school form known as the “Gesamtschule”, which is a comprehensive school combining these three types of school under one roof where pupils are divided according to their performance.
Attendance at state-run schools in Germany is free of charge. Parents, however, have to pay for some of the books, teaching materials and for excursions their children take part in. There are only very few private or international fee-paying schools. The local “Schulamt” (education authority) can provide information on the situation in your area. A "Grundschule" is usually assigned based on the school district you and your family live in or will be living in once you arrive. For upper school levels, parents usually decide which school their child will attend following a visit and an interview with the headteacher. Depending on the Federal State, the school year normally begins after the summer holidays between July and September. At most schools in Germany, lessons take place between the morning and early afternoon. Some schools additionally offer special integration courses for children coming from abroad.
At present, however, many Federal States are reorganising and turning schools into full-day schools. There are various school models and some schools might have special focuses on specific subjects. In some schools, students must attend all day while in others, known as “Offene Ganztagsschulen” (open day schools), afternoon school is voluntary. Full-day schools will generally provide lunch on the days they are open all day. Parents are expected to pay income-related contributions for full-day options and additional charges for lunch may be requested.
Information Portal on the German Education System
An information portal run by the German Federal Government and the 16 "Bundesländer" in Germany with information about the German education system.
Schools in Germany
Information on Germany’s school system and practical tips on how to recognise a good school.
International Schools in Germany
Overview of international schools in Germany that offer International Baccalaureate programmes.
Benefits for Families
Germany provides financial support for families, in many cases also for families moving to Germany for the first time.
There are three possible situations regarding eligibility for child allowance: foreign nationals living in Germany. People from abroad may only claim public funds for their family in the form of child allowance as per § 62 para. 2 EStG if they have previously been granted an unlimited settlement permit or another residence permit allowing access to child allowance. Different rules apply for EU citizens and Swiss nationals. They merely have to have taken up permanent residence or become subject to unlimited income tax liability in Germany to be eligible for child allowance. Citizens of states accorded equal status (Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Morocco, Montenegro, Serbia, Tunisia and Turkey) may also be eligible for child allowance if they are contractually employed or receiving unemployment or sickness benefits in Germany.
Workers posted to Germany by their employer are not under any circumstances eligible for child allowance. In this case, holding a permanent residence permit or other residence permit valid for the receipt of benefits is irrelevant. Child allowance is paid for children up to the age of 18 or up to the age of 25 if the dependent is participating in schooling, training or higher education after the age of 18.
As of January 2025, child allowance is 255 euro per month for each qualifying child.
Applications must be made in writing to the local Family Office ("Familienkasse")
Child Allowance
Overview of the most important regulations on child allowance.
Application for Child Allowance
Application forms for child allowance in German, English, French and further languages.
Citizens of the Member States of the EU, the EEA States and Switzerland may receive child allowance irrespective of whether they have a settlement permit or a residence permit that allows access to child allowance payments. The same applies to nationals of Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey on the basis of the respective bilateral agreements if they are liable to pay contributions to unemployment insurance under the terms of their employment in Germany or, for example, if they are receiving unemployment or sickness benefit.
Those working on the basis of a service contract or who have been sent to Germany on temporary assignments by employers resident abroad are not eligible for child allowance even if they have a permanent residence permit or residence permit for the purpose of gainful employment.
Foreigners resident in Germany are entitled to receive child allowance if they have a valid permantent settlement permit or a residence permit for certain purposes - this also encompasses the rights of residence and unlimited residence permits issued up to the end of 2004. Other residence permits may also grant access to child allowance.
Parental allowance
Parental allowance compensates for loss of income following the birth of a child. After deducting taxes, social security payments and tax allowances, it amounts to 65-67% of the average monthly income available prior to birth up to a maximum of 1,800 euro or a minimum of 300 euro.
From 1 January 2015 onwards, a child’s mother and father may claim parental allowance as "basic parental allowance" (Basiselterngeld) for a period of up to 14 months. The child’s parents can divide these months among themselves as they wish. One parent may claim parental allowance for a maximum of twelve months and this period is extended by two additional months if the other parent takes at least two months of parental leave. Single parents are eligible to claim for the full 14-month period on their own.
Parents are eligible for parental allowance if:
- they care for and educate their children themselves after birth,
- they are not employed for more than 30 hours per week,
- they live together with their children in one abode and
- are resident or have their usual place of residence in Germany.
Under certain circumstances, parental allowance may also be paid when a parent is employed abroad.
Applications for parental allowance must be made in writing to the office responsible for parental allowance in the federal states. Each parent may apply for parental allowance for him- or herself. The application does not necessarily have to be submitted immediately after birth. Retroactive payments are, however, only made for the last three months prior to the month in which the application for parental allowance was made.
Citizens of the Member States of the EU, the EEA States and Switzerland are usually eligible for parental allowance if they are employed in Germany or if they are not employed, but resident in Germany.
Other foreigners are eligible for parental allowance if they have permanent residence in Germany or the type of residence permit they possess gives them access to family benefits. Permanent residents automatically fulfil this requirement. Those holding a residence permit generally only fulfil the requirements if they are also entitled to take up employment in Germany or have already legally worked in Germany. Foreign parents who hold a residence permit for the purpose of studying or certain other types of residence permit are not eligible to receive parental allowance.
There are three different forms of parental allowance currently offerred to those who qualified: basic parental allowance (Basiselterngeld), parental allowance PLUS (Elterngeld PLUS), and partnership bonus months (Partnerschaftsbonusmonate).
Basic parental allowance can be claimed for a maximum of 14 months.
The separate "parental allowance PLUS" benefit allows parents to receive 50% of the parental allowance they would receive for longer than 14 months if they continue to meet the basic eligibility requirements for parental allowance. Parents can apply for "parental allowance PLUS" regardless of whether they have additional income. "Parental allowance PLUS" can be claimed for a maximum of 24 months in total.
Eligible parents may choose freely between the two options; the responsible authorities can also advise on combined forms that meet the parents’ needs in each individual case.
The third form of allowance, known as "partnership bonus months", is only available if both parents work part-time for a maximum of 25 to 30 hours a week concurrently over a period of four months. "Partnership bonus months" can extend eligibility for parental allowance to 28 months.
If in doubt, is is useful to contact the appropriate public authorities for advice on which form of parental allowance is the most suitable for your personal circumstances before making your application. In view of the extensive changes to the law, the information provided on this page can in no way replace qualified legal advice.
Further Information
Parental Allowance Offices (in German)
All parental allowance offices ordered by Federal States.
Parental Allowance Calculator (in German)
The Parental Allowance Calculator ascertains your personal Entitlement on Parental Allowance.
Information on Parental Leave and Child Allowance
Information on all topics concerning Child Allowance, Parental Leave, Childcare and Assistance for Families.