Kooperation International
The website of the project "Kooperation international" provides an overview of the international landscape in education and research with reports on over 40 countries and multilateral organisations.
In addition to general country information, the country reports cover the education and research landscape and its activities, education and research policy with the responsible ministries and committees as well as political objectives and programmes, cooperation with Germany and at the multilateral level.
EURAXESS Services is a network of over 650 centres located in over 40 countries. These centres help researchers and their families to plan and organise a stay in another country. Use the following link to find contacts.
The initiative provides European researchers in these regions with information on European research policy as well as cooperation opportunities with Europe. In addition to services such as email alerts, an e-newsletter and an internet forum, events are regularly organised for members.
EURAXESS Worldwide is a networking tool for European researchers, scientists and scholars abroad. EURAXESS Worldwide exists in Africa, ASEAN, Australia and New Zealand, Brasil und Latin America, China VR, India, Japan, South Korea and North America.
It keeps European researchers in these regions fully informed of EU research policies, career opportunities in Europe and opportunities for collaboration with Europe. In addition to e-mail alerts, an e-newsletter and the web forum, networking events are organised on a regular basis.
International Dual Career Network (IDCN)
IDCN is a non-profit association formed through the collaboration of companies, NGOs and academic institutions with the purpose of facilitating the job search for mobile employees’ partners, and providing member companies access to a talent pool.
Alumniportal Deutschland
The Alumniportal Deutschland is a web-service which is free of charge. It is carried out by six organisations from the field of international cooperation and financed by the German Federal Government. It offers “Germany-Alumni” an opportunity of securing and expanding their acquired contacts and expertise, and of using them for their personal and professional development.