Finding Your Career Path
Career paths are just as varied as individual researchers are. There are numerous resources and programmes for researchers to discover possible career paths to achieve their research goals. On this page, you will find links to a number of resources that can help you navigate some of the many options for researchers.
Career Paths in Germany

Though the idea of being a researcher can appear quite straight-forward at first glance, researchers have a number of career paths they can choose from.
In order to find out more about typical career paths in academia for researchers in Germany, have a look at the Career Options and Dual Careers page from Research in Germany.
Further information about possibilities of becoming a professor in Germany can be found on the Federal Minstry of Education and Research's Tenure Track Programme Homepage.
Below you will find further information about other resources that can help you find career possibilities both within and outwith academia.
If you are looking for information about career possibilities for your partner, please also have a look at our Dual Career page.
Career Development Resources
PIPERS Project Career Kit
The PIPERS Project Career Kit, funded by the European Commission and hosted on the EURAXESS portal, provides researchers with a number links to discover information about a number of different possible career paths and useful skills for the job market.
"No Limits" Toolkit for Researchers
As part of the PIPERS project, a tool was created to help researchers navigate their career options and discover where their research passions can take them.
Careers Beyond Academia
In order to make researchers more aware about possible career paths beyond academia and open new perspectives, EURAXESS has created a platform providing information and career stories.
EURAXESS Smart Talks
The popular EURAXESS Smart Talks podcast is continuing its work as part of the ERA Talent Project funded by the European Commission. The series highlights different career possibilities for researchers through interviews with researchers, research organisations and representatives from industry.
EURAXESS Webinars and Trainings for Researchers
EURAXESS regularly hosts webinars and trainings for researchers to help them gain useful skills to further their career. On this page you will find a number of recorded webinars to relevant topics ranging from Open Science and Intellectual Property Rights to how to best highlight your talents in your CV.
REBECA Practice
As part of the continuation of the Researchers Beyond Academia (REBECA) programme in the ERA Talent Project, the REBECA Practice module was created in order to give researchers insights into different professional roles and the skills needed for them.